percussion boxes

Snare Drum Buying Guide:

The snare drum is one of the most versatile and essential instruments in any percussion set. Choosing the right one depends on several factors such as musical style, level of experience, and of course, budget. In this guide, we'll help you make an informed decision.

1. What is a Snare Drum?

The snare drum is a cylindrical drum that produces a bright and characteristic sound, thanks to the metal strings (borones) stretched across the bottom of the drumhead. It is indispensable in styles such as rock, jazz, classical music and more. Its versatility makes it a key instrument in both bands and orchestras. In a charanga or batucada it is one of the key instruments for regulating the tempo of the group.

2. Key Factors to Consider

Depending on the characteristics of each box, the sound and comfort may change.

Body Material (Helmet)

The material directly influences the sound:

  • Wood : Its sound is warm and resonant. Ideal for jazz, pop and acoustic music.
    • Example : Maple for balanced tones or birch for brighter sounds.
  • Metal : Bright sound, with strong projection. Perfect for rock, drums and live music.
    • Example : Steel, aluminum, brass or bronze.

Snare Drum Size

  • Diameter : Generally between 13 and 14 inches.
    • 12 inches : More defined sound. Ideal for samba enredo or for children
    • 13 inches : More focused sound, ideal for fast styles like jazz or funk.
    • 14 inches : Wider, more versatile sound.
  • Depth : Between 3 and 6.5 inches.
    • 3-inch snares : Loud, bright sound with little sustain.
    • 4-inch snare drums : Very comfortable for bands and drum sets. Defined and controlled sound.
    • 5 to 5.5 inch boxes : Sharp and controlled sound.
    • Boxes 6.5 inches or larger : Greater depth and volume.

Type of Basswoods

  • Steel : Bright and cutting sound.
  • Bronze or Copper : Warm sound with rich overtones.


Drumheads influence the quality and style of the sound:

  • Single-ply head : More resonance and sensitivity. Good for soft styles.
  • Two-ply drumhead : More durability and control, ideal for powerful styles such as rock or metal.

Bordoneo System

The mechanism for adjusting the snares should be smooth and reliable. More advanced systems allow for precise adjustment of the tension. It is common to have a tensioning lever with which to activate and deactivate the snares.

Active filters